Start creating your Legacy

Dog Fostering in Phoenix and Greater Arizona

Arizona Small Dog Rescue has been one of the longest no-kill animal welfare organization in the Valley of the Sun since 2009. As a no-kill shelter, every year we find loving homes for over 1500 dogs every year with the help of generous donors such as yourself. Arizona Small Dog Rescue receives neither federal funding nor support from taxpayers to enable it to keep the doors and kennels open. It is because of your continued support, and the support of people such as yourself, that Arizona Small Dog Rescue is able to maintain its facilities and its staff who care for the animals, as well as provide food, shelter, medical treatment and love to these animals while they await their forever homes. But what will happen when you are gone?

Qualified Plan Benefits

Foster a Dog in Phoenix, AZ

Making Arizona Small Dog Rescue your Planned Benefits beneficiary can be as simple as placing Arizona Small Dog Rescue‘s name on the beneficiary line on any one of the policies listed below:

  • Life Insurance Policy
  • IRA
  • 401 (k)
  • 403 (b)
  • Keogh Account
  • Any other qualified retirement plan

Naming Arizona Small Dog Rescue as the beneficiary of your life insurance or retirement plan is a simple and smart way to provide for Arizona Small Dog Rescue for years to come. When a retirement account is left to a charity such as Arizona Small Dog Rescue, the organization does not pay the income tax otherwise due if left to a non-spouse family member or a friend. If you no longer need the life insurance that was purchased years ago to provide for your children or other family members, please consider leaving it as a legacy to Arizona Small Dog Rescue.

Making a Bequest to Arizona Small Dog Rescue

Qualifications and Considerations for Dog Fostering

There are many reasons to make a bequest. You may want to support Arizona Small Dog Rescue and its programs in the future, just as you may be doing during your lifetime. Giving by bequest costs nothing now, yet it may give you a great deal of satisfaction to know that your future gift will live on. Bequests are very private gifts, too. You may change your bequest at any time, and, if you wish, you may make your plans anonymously.

You don’t need a large estate to make a significant gift to Arizona Small Dog Rescue and your assets remain in your control during your lifetime.

* You can direct your gift to a particular purpose (be sure to check with us to make sure your gift can be used as intended).

If you choose to include Arizona Small Dog Rescue in your will, please send us a confidential copy of the section of your will. This will give us the opportunity to express our thanks and to contact you in case there are any questions concerning your bequest.

To designate a bequest to Arizona Small Dog Rescue, you must use AZSDR’s formal corporate name, address and federal tax ID number, as shown below.
Here are some examples of the most common language used when making a bequest to Arizona Small Dog Rescue:

I hereby give $________________ (amount of gift), or

I hereby give _________________ (description of asset), or

I hereby give _________________ (percent of estate) to

Arizona Small Dog Rescue, for its general purposes, located at
932 E. Guadalupe Road, Tempe, AZ 85283
Tax ID# 26-3993160

For a private and confidential discussion regarding Estate Planning contact us by emailing

Additional Information

For information on the benefits of estate and/or planned giving gifts to Arizona Small Dog Rescue, please speak to your tax advisor, planner or legal counsel.
Determine the Right Foster Pet For You

Start Your Legacy Today!

If you’re interested in more information on estate and planed giving email us at

You are never to young to start planning out your future and how you can help ensure that homeless dogs never have to live homeless again, even after your gone!

Contact Us!