Owner and Stray intake information
Giving up your pet is not an easy decision to make, and we highly recommend considering all options before doing so. Still, we know that circumstances change and in some cases, surrendering your pet might be the only option you have, or the best option for your pet.
If you do need to surrender your dog, please fill out a surrender form. Our organization may be able to intake your dog(s), with no fee or a small donation, depending on space and the needs of the dog.
Additional Information About Surrendering Your Dog
Types of animals Arizona Small Dog Rescue takes in
At Arizona Small Dog Rescue, we accept small breed dogs from owners in need of surrendering their pet(s), regardless of age or medical condition. We will try to always help anyone in need of placement of their dog(s), but of course that depends on space and the needs of the dog(s). Our goal is to care for, provide enrichment, and love the animals in our care until a permanent best fit home is found.
What does “surrendering” mean?
When you surrender your pet to Arizona Small Dog Rescue, you are relinquishing ownership and responsibility of that animal to our team. We will need you to complete an owner surrender form to allow us to complete necessary medical care and prepare the dog for adoption to another family.
What happens after surrendering?
We will provide the animal with all necessary medical examinations, vaccinations, behavior evaluations, and also provide the required shelter, food, and social interaction needed to either rehabilitate or otherwise prepare the pet for adoption. Owners are welcome to call or email to check in to see how the pet is doing. Our team includes many trusted foster parents, experienced staff and volunteers, and partnered vets all committed to the well-being and long-term care for the animals that pass through our no-kill shelter.
Call Us for More Information
If you need more information about our dog surrendering service, please contact us and we’ll do our best to answer all of your questions. We can also provide you with more information about our dog adoption and foster programs, as well as general information about who we are and what we do.